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We have been incubating 7 chicken eggs from Barleylands Farm. They were due to hatch on the Tuesday 15th of May and sure enough, by the evening we had our first chick. The others closely followed and by Wednesday we had 6 healthy chicks. The 7th chick sadly didn’t make it out of its shell. 


We we are so excited about our new chicks and the hatching. We took some time lapse video of the process so that everyone could see it happening. You can see these and some photos, below. 

Real time video of the chicks hatching

Still image for this video
Mrs Ziane was indeed ‘very happy’! 😃

Time lapse video of the eggs pipping

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For this video, a picture was taken every 10 minutes.

Time lapse of the first chick hatching

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Look at the back of the incubator on the right hand side. For this video a picture was taken every 30 seconds.

Time lapse of the final 5 chicks hatching

Still image for this video
For this video we took a picture every 5 seconds. Can you count all 5 chicks hatching?