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School Uniform

Our school uniform and PE kit 


School Uniform

It is the wish of the Governing Body that a school uniform should be worn by all pupils as it promotes a sense of belonging and enhances the general impression of the school. As a parent you will appreciate your child belonging to a school with a good public image and uniform plays a large part in this. Children will also appreciate the contrast if they keep their leisure wear for changing into at home.


Please label all items of uniform with your child's name


You are asked to ensure that your child wears full uniform. The school colours are maroon, light blue and grey/black. 

  • A V neck maroon sweatshirt (available with a logo) should be worn with a light blue shirt and grey trousers/shorts/skirts or pinafore dresses.
  • A maroon striped school tie. (Optional in  year 3 - 6)  School ties can be purchased from the school office. Clip on ties cost £4.00 and traditional ties are £2.40.  
  • Children in nursery to year 2 may replace the shirt and tie with a light blue polo shirt if they wish or just wear the blue shirt without a tie if they can manage buttons.
  • Footwear should be sturdy black shoes or trainers.
  • Socks or tights need to be plain and either white, grey or black.
  • Head coverings worn for religious reasons should be maroon in colour.
  • Long hair should be tied back using simple head bands, also in school colours.
  • Water bottles are also required for children in Years 1-6.  This should only contain plain water and be labelled with your child's name.   Children in Nursery and Reception classes use cups provided by the school.
  • Our year 6 Buddies replace the blue shirt with a white one and the maroon V neck sweatshirt with a grey V neck sweat shirt.


Summer Uniform

Children are expected to continue to wear school uniform in the summer. This can include:

  • Grey/black shorts.
  • Blue, checked summer dress.
  • In very hot weather, children will be allowed to remove their ties.
  • Children still need to wear sturdy footwear and must not to wear open toed sandals (or flip flops) in the summer as they do not protect their feet sufficiently when playing in the playground.


PE Kit

You will be informed of PE days for your child's class. Your child should come to school in their PE kit on those days.

Your child's PE kit should consist of:

  • A black pair of shorts
  • A white T-shirt
  • A pair of plimsolls or trainers  
  • Black sweatshirt and jogging trousers for outdoor PE lessons in the winter. 



Children in year 4 attend swimming lessons at a local pool. Girls must wear one-piece swimming costumes (not Lycra), while boys must wear swimming trunks (not long-legged loose shorts). A bathing hat is required for both boys and girls. Please note that goggles are not normally worn during swimming lessons, but may be worn under certain circumstances. Please contact your child's teacher if you need further details regarding this.


PE is a part of the National Curriculum and all children are required to take part in it. A valid note or medical certificate is necessary in for children to be excused.



Health and Safety



  • For safety reasons, other than a wrist watch and small stud earrings, jewellery is not allowed. 
  • If your child needs to wear jewellery for religious reasons, please speak with a member of staff.


It is a local authority and school regulation that no jewellery should be worn during any physical activities. If parents choose to send children to school wearing earrings it is the children’s responsibility to remove them before PE and swimming lessons.


When children remove jewellery for the purpose of PE or swimming etc, the teacher is under no obligation to look after it. If the teachers do look after children's property they will not be held responsible if it subsequently gets lost or broken.

Becontree school uniform can be purchased from:

You can visit their website. You can also click here to order online.




If you have any difficulty meeting the cost of a uniform please contact the school so that alternatives may be discussed. The school sometimes has available some good quality used uniform, that can be collected from Jackie Moldrich (Parent Support Advisor)


Staff in the main office are available for any further advice about uniform. Please ask if you have any questions.





