
Get in touch

Attendance Systems

Attendance Guidance

Please follow the links below for current guidance for both schools and parents/carers. 


Becontree Primary aims to ensure that all children receive an education that maximises opportunities for each pupil to reach their full potential. 


Our target for attendance is 97% or above (this is no more than 6 days of absence over the whole academic year). 


As a school, we strive to provide a welcoming, caring and supportive environment whereby each member of the school community feels valued and supported. 


Our PSA (Jackie Moldrich) and Strategic Lead for Inclusion (Clare Stock) will work with pupils and their families to ensure each pupil attends school regularly and punctually. 





Reporting Absences

When a child is absent, parent/carers must contact the school on the first day of the absence, by calling the school office on 0208 270 4900 by 9:00 a.m. 


Please state:

  • Your child's name
  • Your child's class
  • Reason for absence

A note about the reason for absence is made on the school’s registration system and coded accordingly. Please note: Schools authorise absences, not parents/carers.  A reason/note from a parent/carer is not an automatic right to authorise a child’s absence. 


If we do not have a reason for the child's absence, then we will:

  • Contact the parent/carer using the school’s automated messaging service, on the first day of absence if no reason has been received. In the case of a number not being available, emergency contacts will be used. (Stage 1)
  • Follow up with a phone call and then letter, if there is no response to the message by the afternoon registration session. (Stage 1)
  • Carry out a home visit (if more than one day absent with no information) if no contact has been made with either the parent/carer or with the allocated emergency contact person for safeguarding reasons.  (Stage 1 and 2)


Sickness of 5 days or more must be covered by a medical certificate but if a pattern of sickness is established, the school may request that further medical certification be provided.


How can I find out about my child's attendance?

We are happy to discuss your child's attendance with you at any opportunity. Please contact Jackie Moldrich and arrange an appointment to do so.


However, at the end of every term, we will send you a letter which outlines your child's attendance figure (as a percentage). The attendance is RAYG rated as follows:

Gold- 100%- (exemplary attendance)

Green- 97%- 99.9% (excellent attendance)

Amber- 96.9%-95% (good attendance)

Yellow- 94.9%-90.1% (poor attendance)

Red- 90% or below (cause for concern) 


School Opening Times and Register Procedures

Morning registration starts at 8:45 a.m. and ends at 8:50 a.m. when the registers close.  A child arriving after 8:50 a.m. must report to staff at the ‘Late Door’ and their name recorded on a list and marked in late. 

At 8:55 a.m., the main gates close and any child coming in after this must enter via the school office entrance. Parent/carers are required to sign in their children and state the reason for their lateness.


Afternoon registration starts at 12:45 p.m. for Reception and Four Seasons ARP and 1.00 p.m. for KS1 and KS2 and any child not in attendance for this session will receive the appropriate code for the absence.


Summary of Absence Codes

Codes used are in line with Working Together to Improve School Attendance and Local Authority policy and procedures. Below are the most common standardised codes that are used for registers.


/ \

/ =present mark for a.m. session \ = present mark for p.m. session


Late arrival before the register has closed


Arrived in school after registration closed


Illness (not a medical or dental appointment)


Medical/dental appointment


Leave of absence for exceptional circumstances authorised by the school


Absent in other or unknown circumstances


Reason for absence not yet provided


Religious observance


Holiday not authorised by the school


Suspended or excluded but no alternative provision made


Dual registered at another school


Off-site educational activity (e.g. trip)


Participating in a sporting activity


Non-compulsory school age pupil not required to attend school

Our Attendance Procedures

What does attendance % mean?

Exceptional Circumstances Leave of Absence in Term Time
