
Get in touch

Meet the Team

Our Team

We have a number of staff who work in the ARP, including the ARP Lead, 2 Class Teachers, 2 SLSA's and 2 LSA's.  We also have 2 dedicated MDA's who support the children during their lunchtime routine. The ARP Lead works closely with the ARP Class Teachers to monitor and maintain a high standard of teaching and learning across both classes. All staff engage in regular and ongoing training related to autism teaching and learning.


One of the main strengths of the ARP is that staff know all of the children extremely well and can ensure that provision is tailored to their individual needs. Good communication and excellent team work between adults, results in a consistent approach and all members of the team are highly valued, with all staff contributing to the high quality of teaching provided to the children.


Staff are encouraged to share ideas and contribute to all aspects of the ARP including group planning, physical structure of the environment and implementation of the development plan. It is, however, the responsibility of the ARP Lead, to make final decisions

For more information about the team open the link below.
