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Fiver challenge- update (September 2015)

Last June, the previous year 6 participated in the Fiver Challenge run by Virgin media. This involved the children setting up businesses having been given a £5 loan. The children then hosted a sale in the Sunshine hall, which was open to Reception through to year 5 during one afternoon right at the end of June. From this event, the students managed to raise £262.46.


Following the sale, the children researched many different charities, presented what they had learnt and held a vote to decide which of the charities would receive this donation. In the end, they chose Free the Children. We have since learnt that the money is going towards supporting education in Sierro Leone, a place hard hit by conflict and the recent outbreak of the Ebola virus. Below are some links to show how the people, particularly children, of Sierra Leone will benefit from year 6's donation.






