Physical Education Vision Statement: Becontree Primary School
DfE Vision: All pupils leave primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
Our Vision
At Becontree Primary School, we strongly believe that all children should have access to a thoroughly planned, progressive physical education programme, which places a real emphasis on developing a wide range of physical and tactical competences, while encouraging healthy competition and teamwork.
Our Curriculum
At Becontree Primary School, our curriculum aims to educate our pupils regarding the health and wellbeing benefits of exercise and enjoyment gained from contributing towards sports related activity. Through the delivery of effective and enjoyable lessons, our pupils ought to understand and demonstrate the tactical knowledge, physical attributes and skill-set to confidently partake in such pursuit. With the intention to inspire our children to seek both internal and external commitment to physical exercise and subsequently, living a greater and fulfilled life.
Promoting Personal, Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development and Fundamental British Values
In children, physical activity is critical for motor development, cognitive improvement, reducing body fat and helping to increase academic achievement. Through our curriculum, children are provided opportunities to contribute towards a wide range of lessons and sports which aim to challenge their ability of self-discipline, to abide by specific rules, work as a team, show mutual respect for each other and apply problem solving skills.