
Get in touch

Four Seasons ARP

Welcome to our class page.


Please take a look around our page to see all of our learning, as well as helpful links and websites to support our families. One of our mottos here at Four Seasons, is to be engaged and have fun. The more fun that is being had, the more our children will learn. We provide a positive attitude and a solution-focused approach and we always celebrate the small successes.


We offer a personalised curriculum in which all of the children take part in small group and 1:1 interventions to ensure that their EHCP and speech and language targets are being met. At the heart of these interventions are the children and their interests, because we strongly believe that the more engaged a child is, the more motivated they will be and a result, the more they will learn.


As well as a flexible and personalised curriculum, most children in our ARP access their mainstream class throughout the week. Every day, many of our children join their mainstream peers for break time and some of our children access relevant assemblies, such as singing assemblies. Some of our children go with their mainstream classes to attend extra-curriculum lessons such as PSHE, PE, Music and Computing, and others that are able to, access Maths and Literacy lessons. Once a week, we also have mainstream children from each class visit the ARP for "Buddy group" time and we are now seeing confidence being built and friendships forming with some of our children. We strongly believe that the status of our children is of equal value and importance to the rest of the school and that integration is integral to our children's well-being and understanding of the world. Ultimately, at Becontree Primary School, we are striving towards an environment whereby we all understand one another.


The wider community and parental engagement is also of high importance to us here at Four Seasons ARP and so we endeavour to get our children out and about as much as we can, providing half termly trips into the local community, as well as weekly park trips, weather depending. Please see our "Magic Moments and Cultural Capital" section for an insight into what we get up to.


We strive on building strong and meaningful relationships with our parents so, as always, if you ever do wish to discuss anything, then please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the ARP team, who are always here to support you.



Four Seasons ARP

Four Seasons ARP is a 12 placed local authority maintained provision for children in Reception to Year 6 with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC).  The children who attend have an array of needs and are on different levels of the spectrum.


We aim to provide every child with the opportunity to progress both academically, emotionally and socially and we do this by putting plans in place that are tailored to each child's individual needs. 

Our staff work with external professionals for example Speech and Language Therapists, Education Psychologists and the Education Health Care (EHC) Team, who all contribute to each child's development plan. 


How are places allocated?

As it is a local authority maintained provision, children need to have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) to attend the setting. Places are allocated by the Education Health Care Team and not by the school. All children have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) who access Four Seasons


We receive consultation paperwork and the referral from the EHC Team, and we consider if we are able to meet the child's needs in the setting. We also visit the child in their current setting and speak to other professionals who have worked with the child. 

If we feel we are able to meet the child's need, we will then invite you to look around the ARP. This would be followed by the admissions process by the school and the EHC Team. 

We are an ARP setting and so there are occasions when we cannot offer a placement this could be because:

  • We cannot meet the child's needs in our provision.
  • The 12 places have already been allocated and we are full. 

In these instances, the referral would be declined. 


For further information about placements at Four Seasons ARP please contact the EHC Team on 020 8227 2400 or


Inclusive Provision at Becontree

Four Seasons is located alongside the mainstream classrooms within the school. We strive to ensure that the children who learn in these classrooms are part of the school community, and we make sure they feel included and play an active part in school life. 


We aim for every child to spend some time in their year group classroom with their peers although this is based on the child's ability and needs within the context of the mainstream classroom and also agreed by a multi-disciplinary team of professionals. 


Outside Agencies

We work with a range of professionals and outside agencies to ensure the children in Four Seasons are well supported and have their individual needs met in order for them to thrive and make progress.


We receive support from local authority inclusion advisors as well as working in partnership with the Educational Psychologist Service and Speech and Language therapist who contribute towards the children's targets and assessment of needs as well as providing advice and training for staff.


ARP Parent Tours

We do accommodate termly parent/carer tours of Four Seasons ARP. However, these are scheduled to take place when there are no children present. The tours will last approximately 20 minutes and we will be able to accommodate 6 families per visit. 


If you would like to book on one of the tours, please contact the main office by email ( stating the following information:

  • Parent/carer name
  • Child name
  • Contact telephone number
  • Tour date you would like to book

We will then confirm your booking by contacting you. 


We do have to inform you that currently we do not have any vacancies in the Four Seasons ARP. However, you are still welcome to come and visit. 


Tour Dates

Monday 4th November 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday 4th March 2025 at 3:45pm

Thursday 12th June 2025 at 3:45pm
