RH had lots of fun with Dexter bear exploring Reception. He found another Teddy who liked cakes just as much as he does and the children showed Dexter how to do some great counting up to 5. He enjoyed snuggles and stories in the reading area. Dexter loved the inside and outside construction area, he helped to make super fast cars and tall towers. The children enjoyed showing him all their favourite activities.
Dexter Bear had a very fun summer holiday and enjoyed exploring the forest and even did some canoeing.
Dexter Bear had fun in 1L doing some maths, enjoying cuddles in the reading area and playing and learning outside.
Dexter enjoyed his time in 4WH. He helped to make our Christmas decorations, listened to children read and joined our computing lesson.
Dexter Bear had lots of fun in 2D. He took part in all of our art lessons where he practised sketching, rubbing and printing on an outline of a boat. Dexter came with us on our trip to the Gurdwara. He enjoyed waiting at the bus stop and getting on the bus. He listened really well and learned lots of interesting facts about the Gurdwara. Dexter Bear loved eating the food that they served there. Dexter Bear had a picture taken by one of the Christmas trees as he thought the children's tree decorations were amazing!
Dexter had a great time in 4P. He joined in with all our lessons throughout the week. He learned about fractions in maths, the Anglo-Saxons in history and even came to the swimming pool with us.
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